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Revolve Feature - PTC Creo

Now, you will learn about how to use Revolve Feature.

Primary Requirement for Revolve Feature is as below.

  1. First requirement is to have center line. Part is going to revolve with the center on Center Line.
  2. One one side of center line part is going to make in Sketch Feature.
  3. Sketch must be closed.
First select Revolve Feature as per shown in below image.

After than select a plan on which plan you want to draw a sketch.

Here I select the FRONT Plan as per below image.

Now click on Sketch On button as shown below. So that selected plan is come in front of you and you are ready to draw the sketch.

As per first requirement, draw straight a center line as per below image.

Now, draw a sketch as shown below. And make sure that sketch is close. After that finish the sketch by clicking on OK.

Here you can make revolve as per you requirement for rotation.

Look in below screen so that you can find this option for above provision.

You can adjust the degree of rotation as per requirement. Here I enter 360 degree of rotation and finish the part by clicking on OK.

Final part is shown as per first image before starting the lesson.

Enjoy 😃

Next lesson - How to assign material to 3D model in PTC CREO

Previous lesson - Create Surface with Extrude Feature

Main Page - PTC CREO

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