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Sweep Feature : PTC CREO

Here I teach you how to use Sweep Feature in PTC CREO.

In this feature, one sketch is available on which close object will move and generate part.

We will see how this feature is work.

First create a sketch as per below or do by your self.

Now, select Sweep Feature as per below:

After that select your created sketch. Now it will appear as per below:

Here RED arrow indicate the staring point of sweep. You can change this point by clicking on it.

After you click it will move to other end of sketch.

At this starting point you have to create a sweep section. This profile is going to move on sketch path and model created.

For create sweep section click on "Create or edit sweep section".

When you click on above button, arrow is replace with two perpendicular center line.

Intersecting point of center lines is indicate the center point of sweep section.

Now click on sketch view, center line is rearrange and display as per below.

Now create a section what you want to sweep on selected sketch.

Here I create a two concentric circle.

Purpose of creating concentric circle is to create hole in side the circle.

Now click on OK.

Finally you sweep a section on selected sketch.

Again click on OK(Right Sign).

You will find below result.

Thanks For Taking Interest. 

Enjoy 😃

Next lesson - will come soon.

Previous lesson - How to calculate mass of 3D model in PTC CREO

Main Page - PTC CREO

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